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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Words Fail Me

Words Fail Me by Mike Stilkey. This is also how I feel today. As you can see it's 10:30 in the morning and I'm already blogging so you know it's been a good morning.
It's only Day 3 at our new school. I have a large caseload but overall the kids are great, as is the staff. For the first time in a long time I feel like I really belong to this group and I feel that people really respect who I am and what I do.
Of course, there always has to be the proverbial rotten apple. This time it's a family who feels the world owes them something. Or rather everything. While I obviously can't discuss the details in depth, suffice it to say these parents believe their students deserve my undivided attention to the detriment of others. They are suit happy and demanding and this morning the husband had the nerve to call up, screaming and swearing. Finally I reminded him that his children are not yet Special Ed students and therefore he would have to deal with our director as opposed to screaming at me.
I understand that parents are meant to be protective of their children but where is that fine line between being protective and teaching them learned helplessness by constantly causing a battle and showing them that a little bullying goes a long way? Now, that isn't to say that any of us plan to give in to this family and allow them to call the shots, but what kind of example are they setting for their children? No wonder the kids aren't sure they want to come to school. Maybe it has nothing to do with their academic abilities and everything to do with being terrified their parents are going to cause a scene!