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Thursday, January 28, 2010

What Ails You

After everything that's gone on this year (yes, I realize it's still only January) I have to say I have finally found the cure for what ails me these days. Aside from finding what I believe to be true love, I have also found a sound way to make myself happy without also driving myself crazy.

I'm now working retail. Something I kept swearing to myself I would never do again after spending a few months as a visual merchandising director for Macy's. However, I am now a keyholder at a tiny boutique type store in a very affluent suburb and I'm finding that I really enjoy it. It's easy, quiet work and I love the people I work with. On top of that it's given me more time to devote to my writing and my photography.

On top of that, I just got a call that the college from which I graduated would like me to develop and teach a course on institutional models. Teaching is in my blood. And though I can't stand the school politics of teaching primary or secondary school, I'm absolutely looking forward to working with college students who are actually choosing to be in my class. What a delight it will be to see the faces of students who actually want to hear what I have to say!

Next month I'm off on vacation for a few days. A much needed and deserved break indeed. But I have to say, I haven't been this happy and relaxed in ages!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Getting Drenched

At the risk of entering the "too much information" zone, I have to tell you all, when it rains...well, you know the rest. Currently I'm working my tail off at a clothing store, making peanuts compared to what I was making but strangely it's been relaxing working a job where I feel so very little pressure to perform to rather twisted expectations and ideals.

However, on the homefront, I feel my muse has deserted me. Have I been writing? Pfft. No. Have I been out with my camera? Yes. And that little trip yielded a whopping three decent photos. Decent being a term I use generously here. It's been a little surreal, almost like I'm watching my life happen without me. Moving home in July I assumed life would finally settle down, that I could get into a rather comfortable groove with work, art, relationships. No dice sadly. It's one roller coaster ride after another.

I have also found a rather handy use for the "block" option on my cell phone plan. I won't go into hairy details but sometimes a girl's character judgement isn't as stellar as it could be. Girls, let me give you a bit of advice. Your mother? Is generally right. Should your mother tell you a guy gives her "the creeps" or has "stalker" printed somewhere on his person, take it for what it's worth and run in the opposite direction because chances are he'll wind up cornered by the cops in front of your house threatening to break your windshield.

On the brighter side of things, I had a great Christmas. I managed to finish reading three books which was a welcome change. I took a break from researching my current book and made it a point to try to enjoy myself. Hell, I even managed to go ice skating which I haven't done for a few years now. Anyway, it's a new year. Let's see what kind of trouble I can get in....